Questions You Might Ask When Arranging Forklift Transport

Shipping a forklift is not like shipping standard boxes or pallets, and you may need a special carrier that handles this type of freight. This is to ensure they can manage the added weight of a forklift and also properly load or unload it as needed. When you're looking to arrange a forklift transport, note some factors to keep in mind and questions you might ask about the process, so you know it's done properly and what to expect with your carrier.

Ask about a volume quote

If you'll be moving a forklift often, you'll want to ask about a volume quote. This may be offered for a forklift even if it's not offered for other shipments, as a forklift should weigh the same and take up the same cubic footage in a truck, unlike shipping boxes and pallets which may vary in size or weight. Be sure to ask upfront so you know if you can save money on the shipments you expect to make over time.

Always ask if the trucking company will unload the forklift, if needed

Don't assume that a trucking company will unload a forklift simply because it can be driven out of the back of the truck. Some don't allow this for liability reasons, so if you're shipping to a destination that won't have someone to unload, such as to an airport or a warehouse for storage, you'll need to arrange someone to unload the forklift or work with a trucking company that can provide this service for you.

Ask how the forklift needs to be secured

You may not be able to simply fold up the forks of the forklift and have it ready for transport; a company may want the forks tied and may also want to carry an extra set of keys rather than just keeping a key in the ignition, in case the original set gets lost in the truck. You may also want to cover the cab of the forklift if it's not caged, to avoid anyone using it to store boxes or other freight while in transit.

Ask if there is a limit as to the petrol it can hold

Some trucking companies may want the tank of the forklift to be as empty as possible, to ensure any potential fire doesn't burn indefinitely. Note if they limit the amount of gas that can be in a petrol powered forklift and if there are limitations as to extra gas cans going with it, so you don't face unexpected fines or fees.

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How Knowing How to Tow Could Save Your Life

I'm Robert. Welcome to my blog all about towing. I first became interested in towing when I was on a road trip with a friend. We came across an elderly couple who had broken down in the Outback. Luckily, we had a tow rope with us, and we were able to get them to the safety of the next town to have their car repaired. The local police chief later said that if we hadn't had helped the couple may have been in real danger. Since then, I have made it my mission to educate as many people about towing vehicles as possible. I hope you enjoy my blog.